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School of International Education Holds the Experience-Sharing Meeting of IMSPQ and Outstanding Graduates

Date:2017-11-20    Author:     Source:    ClickTimes:

On the afternoon of November 17th, School of International Educationholds theexperience-sharingmeeting ofIMSPQ andoutstandinggraduates on the3rdfloor ofInternational Students’ Canteen. Teachingstaff,IMSPQ winners, outstanding graduates and manyinternationalstudents participate in this event.

In the meeting, fiveIMSPQ participants -Reema Qudsia, Ashraf, Faysal, Ashish and Aniya -introduce how toaccumulate enough theoretical baseseffectively in a short time and defeat the opponent in thecompetition. And their detailed topics includethe importance ofgraspinggood knowledge ofphysiology from low grade, preparationfor thecompetition,methods ofdealingwith pressure and tension and the importance of team cooperation.

Outstanding graduate representativesSanwar, Atta-UR-Rehman, Derrick, Sibt, Zain, Janiceshare their experienceinuniversity study,practice experience, applicationfor graduate schoolandpreparationfor USMLE. Combining their own stories,they emphasizethe importance of independent study,a good grasp ofChineseand each course,and advise the juniors tomake good use of time at university.Finally, they interact with the students on the spot, and answer the questions raised by the students in detail. The discussion on the spot is warm and atmosphere harmonious, and the students have derivedmuch benefit.

Thisexperience-sharingmeeting not only enhancesstudents’understanding of physiology competition selection and other aspects, but alsotheirunderstanding of the future goals and direction. At the same time, itbroadenstheirthinking,develops theirknowledge,andlaysa solid foundation for future competition andstudy.